School has officially started, and to be honest, I am so glad to be back. It feels weird to be living with more people, and not to mention its feels like an actual home... but so far, I really enjoy it.
Classes started last thursday, and everything has gone pretty smoothly, no complaints here...
Me and the boy, have been doing well. I guess we are 'dating', and dating your best friend is definitely way different. You go from best friends, and you dive deeper into a more intimate level (I'm not talking about physically, ppl) I'm talking about emotionally and mentally. When we talk, what would have been three hours, felt like one. It's weird, but I'm open to all the possibilities God has in stored for us.
There seems to be so many things that will need to be done, aside from school. School, Youth group, Sunday school... I really hope I can pull all this off..I'm really happy that our priest sees that I have potential and heart. I'm also a bit afraid, and stressed because this is another big responsibility i am taking on. For myself. I just hope that I will be able to teach/preach something worthy of learning for the kids. As of now, nothing has been said about where or what class i will be in charge of... but I have to be obedient and pray that Father Nhuan has good intentions for all of us.
My roommate and I are finally back together. Its been really nice... I'm not going to lie. I even sleep in her room. Ever since we've been back our convos don't seem to change at all. I love it. If anything, I see it growing much more then what it was before... others perceive us to be two very diff ppl. I agree, but on a personal level we are similar in various ways. It's been really nice... and feels normal again.,
Life at the moment, has been pretty content. I'm not sad, but at times I feel like I am always in my own world... thinking of ways and what God is calling me to do. It's weird to think that I am spiritually growing on so many levels, and I'm very happy. But sometimes, I find myself struggling to live my life the way God has intended for me.Its like I'm lost, but then again I'm gonna cont to pray for guidance.
"For the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life a ransom of many"- Mark 10:45 ♥
About Me

- Ktrinh10
- Follower and believer of Christ-Catholic. I live my life, as his child. A witness, living a life of he has preached. Faith comes before anything, morals keep hold me together.I'm Reserved, but opinionated. I am aspiring to be a better person, everyday. But for all that its worth I've got the man upstairs to thank for all the many blessings he's given me... I live to serve and serve to live :)
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