I am back from Kansas. This weekend was pretty amazing. I learned so much, and can't wait to apply it to my own personal life, but also to bring what I have learned into TNTT. The first day, meeting my teammates everyone seemed fairly nice... the girls were bit annoying I'm not going to lie... I got along with the boys way better. The whole weekend, we had workshops, activities, games and slept for less then 5 hours- so we were all pretty exhausted. I was super crabby, but I kept myself together. As I was there I have to say I learned so much from all the workshops. I took at least one thing back, but my favorite workshop was the last one... it was about personal life, and TNTT. The mentor who had taught us the lesson, basically told us that we all have our own living diary - facebook. What we share, everyone had the chance of seeing... what goes on outside of TNTT, should be kept that and left outside of TNTT. Because we are role models for our kids, as a youth group leader. I took this to heart, I know kids are slowly all creating there own fb, and what they see on my page is important. So its super important for me to set an example for them...
As I was there, I met a whole bunch of great youth group leaders. One of them, who use to be an engineer, left his job to pursue a teaching degree... I thought to myself "WOW" thats awesome... I truly commend him for doing that. I started to think about myself, and why am I so afraid to pursue something I know I love??? Apart of me still doesn't know for sure, but now, I just want to give it a try... I feel like if this is what God is calling me to do then Im going to do it.
Tomorrow is my birthday, I'm the youngest out of the bunch... so everyone makes fun of me and calls me 12 haha i like! My friend asked me how I have been doing personally... and I told him I feel very content with my life now. And it feels right.Right now, all i want to do is have fun, work hard and continue serving others... my roommate brought up this year long christian program that she is considering to do... sort of like peace corp. I'm actually looking into it now. I want to take all the opportunities that life throws my way... no more being afraid of leaving the nest. I'm even considering studying abroad if I get the chance and will be able to make enough money. I want to visit Italia!! Go to all the beautiful churches and gahh *drools. Why not? My focus in life isn't about myself... it's more about what God wants me to do... so I'm going to confide in him because I know he has a plan.
BOYS: my fav subject. Not going to lie, guys at camp were pretty cute. One of my teammates whom was from Oklahoma, well we made a really good connection. It was nice! I'm going to miss him! And my fobby guy friends! I just get along better with guys then gals... i swear. For the time being, no guy is in my life other then my guy friends that I hold dear to my heart. I love em all so much!This whole weekend, I've been learning so much I didn't really have time to think about boys... one of my youth group leader said to me, " Kathy, your pretty... I honestly don't think you will have a problem" so i'm going to take her word for it! If he comes a long, i'll know...
A guy, who is also a youth group member of mine that I met over the weekend, I think is hitting on me... it makes me sad because I really looked up to him as a brother/mentor, and I don't like him like that... *sigh* it's flattering but really ruins the relationship I want to have... which is to maintain a friendship. -__-"
I also learned about relationships at camp... I realized that expectations and standards are awesome.. because I'm not going to date any fella... I want to find someone who shares my love of serving, and is driven with what he wants in life.Till then, I'm going to keep on bettering myself so that whoever I meet can see how can I shine. Well I'll be back later with some more random-ness...
"For the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life a ransom of many"- Mark 10:45 ♥
About Me

- Ktrinh10
- Follower and believer of Christ-Catholic. I live my life, as his child. A witness, living a life of he has preached. Faith comes before anything, morals keep hold me together.I'm Reserved, but opinionated. I am aspiring to be a better person, everyday. But for all that its worth I've got the man upstairs to thank for all the many blessings he's given me... I live to serve and serve to live :)
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