As like any ordinary girl, I want to find... 'the one'. Two years ago, I was so blessed to have met a genuine guy, whom hearts/ intentions were beyond what I imagined. Not only did he have a vision to continue to spread the word of Christ, but to spread it to many youths, as well. His love and dedication for TNTT soared as I watch him work through Christ. I fell in love this guy. We started off as like many... wanting and dreaming of what could be...together. After a year, and a half what I thought could have been forever ended on October 24, 2010. My heart fell, and broke into pieces. I remember as we gave each other our last hug... I looked him in the eyes, and said, " If you ever need me, please let me know...I will be there for you"... as my eyes continuously filled with tears, I watched the guy I loved walk out of the door. Deep down my heart was telling me to run after him, before he was gone... but my head told me that I need to let him go, so that he could figure things out. Of course, I followed my head. It's been 10 months, and I am still not over him. They say just let time do it's part... I am trying. I'm not saying this is the guy I may marry, or that we will be back together or anything along those lines... but who knows...
Yesterday, I met up with my brother and future sister in law, to help her and her family take some photos. While we were at the beautiful Park, her parents celebrated their anniversary and wanted to renew their vows. It was absolutely breath taking... after 30 years, there love still grows each and everyday. As I stood there and took photos, i listened to what both has to say... and i was left in Awe. With today's society you find divorce ratings to run very makes me sad. When you have promised each other to be there for one another through thick and thin.. that's a commitment/ vow that you have made with your spouse. The one thing I think couples don't realize is the fact that when it comes to marriage, there is a lot of working, and sacrifices that will have to be made. It's no longer, about YOU, anymore. When God has given you a spouse, and as you enter/ walk down those aisles, the beauty of it is that both man, and woman join has to become one. They live as the image of what God has for them together. Which brings me to my next topic... sex. Way back who knows when, your virginity basically was what kept you as value. Now, it's normal to have sex with the person your in a relationship with, or keep it as a way of life. But from what I've seen... sex does not keep a couple together if anything, it could ruin a relationship... it builds this wall of what we perceive to be 'love' but really is lust. I can guarantee, that the chances of you having sex on a regular basis with your significant other, will not be that long lasting relationship your hoping for, at least from what I observed. Because in the end, the emotions that you thought were so strong, over powers and physicality is what you are looking at.
For me, I want to save myself for marriage... because I believe that's the gift that I'll be sharing with my future husband. Yes, it will be very special hahaha. I am not perfect, but the beauty that this sacrament holds is extraordinary. Adding on sharing it with the person you love... Please do remember that these are my opinions and what I have observe... so do not get offended...
Maybe one day I too may be walking down the aisle, and receive this beautiful blessing :)
For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother
and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh,
So then, they are no longer two but one flesh.
Therefore what God has joined together, let not man separate."
(Matt 19: 5,6)
"For the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life a ransom of many"- Mark 10:45 ♥
About Me

- Ktrinh10
- Follower and believer of Christ-Catholic. I live my life, as his child. A witness, living a life of he has preached. Faith comes before anything, morals keep hold me together.I'm Reserved, but opinionated. I am aspiring to be a better person, everyday. But for all that its worth I've got the man upstairs to thank for all the many blessings he's given me... I live to serve and serve to live :)
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